Key URLs and Links from Talks

Brian Huot:
The Big Test by Nicholas Lemann
On a Scale: A Social History of Writing Assessment in America by Norbert Elliot
Standards For Educational And Psychological Testing 1999 by AERA
Assessing Writing: A Critical Sourcebook by Brian Huot and Peggy O'Neill

Bob Cummings/Ron Balthazor:
No Gr_du_te Left Behind by James Traub
EMMA, UGA's electronic and e-portfolio environment

Marti Singer:
GSU's Critical Thinking Through Writing Project

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Assessing Writing: About the Editors"

About the Editors

Brian Huot has been working in writing assessment for nearly 20 years, publishing extensively in assessment theory and practice. His work has appeared in a range of journals including College Composition and Communication, College English and Review of Educational Research as well as numerous edited collections. He is one of the founding editors of the journal Assessing Writing, and more recently the Journal of Writing Assessment, which he continues to edit. He has co-edited several scholarly books, and in 2002 he published (Re)Articulating Writing Assessment for Teaching and Learning. He is currently at work on the Handbook of College Writing Assessment, co-authored with Peggy O’Neill and Cindy Moore. He is Professor of English and Coordinator of the Writing Program at Kent State University.

Peggy O’Neill’s scholarship focuses on writing assessment theory and practice as well as writing program administration and the disciplinarity of composition and rhetoric. Her work has appeared in journals such as College Composition and Communication, Composition Studies, and the Journal of Writing Assessment. She has edited or co-edited three books and is currently co-authoring the Handbook of College Writing Assessment with Brian Huot and Cindy Moore. She serves as co-editor of the Hampton press scholarly book series Research and Teaching in Rhetoric and Composition and on the editorial board of several journals. She is an associate professor and director of composition in the Writing Department at Loyola College in Maryland.

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